The sickening saga continues! The adventures of Chris, his friends, and the elderly monsters of Raven Hill, continue in this bind-up of the third and fourth books in the series. This time, the crew is forced to leave Raven Hill and find refuge elsewhere, but danger awaits them at every turn. From a booger-filled haunted house, to the depths of outer space, there are creatures who want to take control of the monsters. Will Chris and the gang be able to set things right? And where will their adventure take them next?
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The sickening saga continues! The adventures of Chris, his friends, and the elderly monsters of Raven Hill, continue in this bind-up of the third and fourth books in the series. This time, the crew is forced to leave Raven Hill and find refuge elsewhere, but danger awaits them at every turn. From a booger-filled haunted house, to the depths of outer space, there are creatures who want to take control of the monsters. Will Chris and the gang be able to set things right? And where will their adventure take them next?
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