Starlight Adventures, by Adrian B. Sims, begins with the twinkle of a single star on a quiet night and concludes with a blazing show of constellation patterns after a colorful musical adventure along the way. An engaging and harmonically interesting new work that is approachable by developing ensembles! (2:30) The PerformancePlus+ series is an innovative addition to the ever-expanding MakeMusic Cloud interactive library. These engaging selections are presented with educational resources designed to enrich the rehearsal ...
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Starlight Adventures, by Adrian B. Sims, begins with the twinkle of a single star on a quiet night and concludes with a blazing show of constellation patterns after a colorful musical adventure along the way. An engaging and harmonically interesting new work that is approachable by developing ensembles! (2:30) The PerformancePlus+ series is an innovative addition to the ever-expanding MakeMusic Cloud interactive library. These engaging selections are presented with educational resources designed to enrich the rehearsal process and create outstanding performances. Including: Assignment, recording, and assessment tools within MakeMusic Cloud Piece-specific exercises focused on skills and techniques Printable sheet music (with a standard MakeMusic Cloud subscription) Educational tips and suggestions to support learning Available in print and digital formats.
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