Marnie (voiced by Addison Rae) is an overly pampered house cat whose favorite pastime is watching police procedurals on television. One day, she discovers a criminal plot and finds herself lured out of her comfort zone. Fortunately for her, she comes across three other escaped animals: Anton (Erik Borner), a donkey who dreams to be in a circus; Elvis (Axel Prahl), a loud-mouthed dog; and Eggbert (Santiago Ziesmer), a neurotic rooster. Together, they work to foil the criminals' plans. Written and directed by Christoph ...
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Marnie (voiced by Addison Rae) is an overly pampered house cat whose favorite pastime is watching police procedurals on television. One day, she discovers a criminal plot and finds herself lured out of her comfort zone. Fortunately for her, she comes across three other escaped animals: Anton (Erik Borner), a donkey who dreams to be in a circus; Elvis (Axel Prahl), a loud-mouthed dog; and Eggbert (Santiago Ziesmer), a neurotic rooster. Together, they work to foil the criminals' plans. Written and directed by Christoph Lauenstein and Wolfgang Lauenstein. Jinko Labitag, Rovi
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