A real gem!!
This little book is incredibly informative -- in less than 100 pages, it gave me a comprehensive look at village life and culture in south China. All the bases are covered in sufficient depth to give anyone a good understanding of the social, religious and cultural traditions that have moulded rural societies for centuries in this part of China.
The author James Hayes is not an armchair social historian, though he has a Ph.D. in Chinese history. He knows this stuff from first-hand experience of working with villagers in the New Territories from the 1960s to 1990s as a Rural District Officer in the Hong Kong Government. A further bonus -- he writes very clearly and organizes his material in an easily digestible form, i.e. Hayes is reader-friendly -- a refreshing departure from academic bafflegab!
The book includes many photos, both colour and b&w, as well as a guided list of references for further reading. This little hardcover volume is well- produced and at this price is an incredible bargain!