Emi, a young blue-footed booby, still has white feet. All her friends' feet are already blue. She finds some blue socks left behind by a tourist and learns an important lesson from her mom - "Good things take time". The story is in Spanish and English and aims to teach kids about blue-footed boobies. For kids from two to eight years old, depending if they are looking to learn a new language or just wanting to enjoy the book. 10% of all profits will go to "The Blue Feet Foundation" to go toward blue-footed booby research. ...
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Emi, a young blue-footed booby, still has white feet. All her friends' feet are already blue. She finds some blue socks left behind by a tourist and learns an important lesson from her mom - "Good things take time". The story is in Spanish and English and aims to teach kids about blue-footed boobies. For kids from two to eight years old, depending if they are looking to learn a new language or just wanting to enjoy the book. 10% of all profits will go to "The Blue Feet Foundation" to go toward blue-footed booby research. (... una joven piquero de patas azules, todav???a tiene los pies blancos. Los pies de todos sus amigos ya son azules. Encuentra unos calcetines azules dejados por un turista y aprende una lecci???n importante de su mam??? "Las cosas buenas llevan tiempo". El cuento est??? en espa???ol e ingl???s y tiene como objetivo ense???ar a los ni???os sobre los piqueros de patas azules. Para ni???os de dos a ocho a???os, dependiendo de si quieren aprender un nuevo idioma o simplemente disfrutar del libro. El 10% de todas las ganancias ir??? a la "Fundaci???n Patas Azules" para ayudar con la investigaci???n sobre los piqueros de patas azules. (...
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