In the Smart Grid, M2M, and IoT business sectors, it is a challenge to stay current with all of the key acronyms, organizations, and terminology. Whether you are a 20 year utility industry veteran, an engineering or public policy student, a regulatory staffer, a new hire, or professional transitioning careers, the Smart Grid Dictionary 6th Edition helps you quickly decipher acronyms and research almost 2,400 easy to understand definitions. The concise, business-oriented, and technology-agnostic definitions are reviewed by ...
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In the Smart Grid, M2M, and IoT business sectors, it is a challenge to stay current with all of the key acronyms, organizations, and terminology. Whether you are a 20 year utility industry veteran, an engineering or public policy student, a regulatory staffer, a new hire, or professional transitioning careers, the Smart Grid Dictionary 6th Edition helps you quickly decipher acronyms and research almost 2,400 easy to understand definitions. The concise, business-oriented, and technology-agnostic definitions are reviewed by an Advisory Board of industry leaders. The 6th edition content includes: - Electric, gas, and water utility terminology - Smart Grid, M2M, and IoT acronyms used around the world - Cybersecurity and data privacy - Distributed energy resources, energy storage, and microgrids - Smart Cities, Home and building energy management and efficiency - Global standards and policies - Regulatory agencies and standards development organizations - Website addresses for convenient additional research Smart Grid Dictionary definitions provide key information in a compact package, saving valuable time by accessibly presenting the accurate information you need. "The Smart Grid Dictionary is one of the most comprehensive information resources that exists on that broad topic we call the Smart Grid. It's an excellent dictionary!" "One of the greatest assets that the Smart Grid transformation could have at this critical time is the "Smart Grid Dictionary". Having clear and comprehensive definitions of the essential terminology will bring much needed clarity and precision to this often confused and abused, but profoundly important, national initiative." Kurt Yeager Executive Director, The Galvin Electricity Initiative "Every business needs a dictionary to accurately define important terms and decipher acronyms, and the Smart Grid business sector finally has one." Denis Du Bois Editor, Energy Priorities Magazine
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