Cindy Williams, best-known as half of the comedic duo of Laverne & Shirley, has had a lively career in show biz. After spending years waiting tables, she hazarded her minimal savings and moved to L.A., where she landed her first big break with a role in American Graffiti. This book is an engaging and heartfelt journey from Williams's blue collar roots to her unexpected stardom--from being pranked by Jim Morrison at the Whisky a Go Go to the emotional rollercoaster of celebrity.
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Cindy Williams, best-known as half of the comedic duo of Laverne & Shirley, has had a lively career in show biz. After spending years waiting tables, she hazarded her minimal savings and moved to L.A., where she landed her first big break with a role in American Graffiti. This book is an engaging and heartfelt journey from Williams's blue collar roots to her unexpected stardom--from being pranked by Jim Morrison at the Whisky a Go Go to the emotional rollercoaster of celebrity.
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