Whine anyone?
Gary Gentile is a celebrated scuba diver that has discovered, or has been involved with the discovery and identification of many many shipwrecks. His resume is unmatched by most mortal divers, and he has earned his place in history. He is also a self proclaimed heretic, and apparently doesn't yield when expressing his opinion. What you get with the book Shipwreck Heresies, is a man frustrated by people and bureaucracy. In some cases you can feel for his cause. He wants to dive on wrecks, PERIOD! His battles with NOAA and other entities regarding the Monitor and the ability to dive off of Massachusetts are valid points and proof that our government has a lot of people that don't know what they are doing, but his continuing battle against the writer and divers in the book Shadow Divers, is starting to show how petty he can be. The book as advertised, claims to have 70 MORE pages devoted to disproving the events in Shadow Divers (he has written a book called Shadow Divers Exposed) But the story related in this book only appears to discredit anyone that has reviewed or shown an opinion other than his. (me included, by name actually) As with Shadow Divers Exposed, he doesn't shed any more light on the subject, and never proves his case. If you are looking for a book on diving adventures, this is not it, choose any of his other titles, and you will be impressed with his stories. (but then again, buy a used copy and see for yourself!)