"Shaker" is an illustrated exploration of the unique lifestyle of the American "Shaker" celibate religious communities founded in the 18th century by an English Quaker, Ann Lee. A major feature of Shaker life was the emphasis on self-sufficientcy: houses, farm buildings, furniture, tools, utensils, clothes and textiles - all were hand-made according to a craft tradition that linked form and function with "godly" virtues of plainess, simplicity and fitness. The beautiful objects that resulted are not only now highly valued ...
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"Shaker" is an illustrated exploration of the unique lifestyle of the American "Shaker" celibate religious communities founded in the 18th century by an English Quaker, Ann Lee. A major feature of Shaker life was the emphasis on self-sufficientcy: houses, farm buildings, furniture, tools, utensils, clothes and textiles - all were hand-made according to a craft tradition that linked form and function with "godly" virtues of plainess, simplicity and fitness. The beautiful objects that resulted are not only now highly valued as collector's pieces but also as sources of inspiration for contemporary design-makers.
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