"Shadow Grass" is a story of two private investigators, working as Cain and Able Investigations, who face the complicated and complex chore of finding the killer of citizens in a small crossroads town near Kansas City, Missouri.The perpetrator does more than kill a victim, the murderer tortures the poor soul with sharp garden tools. As in other Cain and Able Mysteries, Danny and Ruth find themselves targets of deadly attacks on their lives.
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"Shadow Grass" is a story of two private investigators, working as Cain and Able Investigations, who face the complicated and complex chore of finding the killer of citizens in a small crossroads town near Kansas City, Missouri.The perpetrator does more than kill a victim, the murderer tortures the poor soul with sharp garden tools. As in other Cain and Able Mysteries, Danny and Ruth find themselves targets of deadly attacks on their lives.
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