This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1869 Excerpt: ...whyche prayer, etc. I shewed you the laste daye, (mooste honourable Audience) the cause why oure Sauioure Christe, rather vsed the example os a wycked Iudge then os a good. And the cause was sor that in those vvhy Christ dayes ther was greate plentye os wycked vsyd rather Iudges, so that he myght borrowe an osawySed ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1869 Excerpt: ...whyche prayer, etc. I shewed you the laste daye, (mooste honourable Audience) the cause why oure Sauioure Christe, rather vsed the example os a wycked Iudge then os a good. And the cause was sor that in those vvhy Christ dayes ther was greate plentye os wycked vsyd rather Iudges, so that he myght borrowe an osawySed example amonge theym well ynoughe. I"dsethea For there was muche scarsitie os good ag0 Iudges. I did excuse the wyddowe also sor commynge to the Iudge agaynste her aduersary, because she dyd it not os malyce, she dyd it not sor appetite os vengeaunce. And I tolde you that it was good and. brese reher_ lawesull, sor honeste vertuose solke, sor saiosthyngs Gods people, to vse the lawes os the JptSta realme, as an ordinari helpe against theyr hys thyrd'e aduerfaryes, and oughte to take them as sennonGods holy ordinaunces, sor the remedies os theyr iniuryes and wronges, when they are distressed. So that they do it charitiablye louyngelye, not os malyce, not vengeably, not couetouslye. I should haue tolde you here os a Hemeanyth certayne secte os heritikes that fpeake theAnnabapagaynste thys order and doctryne, they thpTudm wyll haue no magistrates nor Iudges on l/1' the earthe. pemiciouse Here I haue to tell you, what I hearde os erroreslate by the relation os a credible person, and a worshypsul man, os a towne in thys realme os Englande that hathe aboue. v. C. five hundred heritykes os thys erroniouse Howcbusye opinion in it as he sayed.' Oh so trasye And the Lord said, Hear what I tell you that he will avenge them the unjust judge saith. speedily. Nevertheless when the And shall not God avenge his Son os man cometh, shall he sind saith own elect, which cry day and night on the earth?--Luke xviii. 6--8. tmlo him, though he bear long with them? ...
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