Literary Titan
Serenity (the Blood Moon Prince) by Kya Wolf follows Kain Raingel who is a battle-tested prisoner of war and has survived what seemed to be a lifetime of torture. However, he is haunted not only by his mysterious magical past but also the memories of the previous years of his existence. Just when Kain begins to heal and learns how to love again, his new companions are taken hostage. Now he must find the strength to confront the villain who tormented him while also risking his memories, otherwise, the people he holds dear will perish.
Author Kya Wolf�s writing will transport readers to a new realm that is filled with fascinating characters and intriguing magic. The author�s writing style will captivate readers and immerse them in this enchanting story with her vivid descriptions.
The characters are well developed and I began to relate to Kain�s character the most. The author flawlessly integrates mental health issues in the novel. They feel authentic and seems like it�s coming from a place of understanding. All of this is delivered within a riveting fantasy novel that never forgets to entertain the reader.
The story moves at a steady pace, allowing the reader to fully grasp the plot. The magic portrayed in the story steadily builds along with the level of intrigue. The magical fights in this book were some of my favorite scenes in the story and I wanted more of them. They were kinetic and simply fun to read.
The grounded but engaging dialogue between characters helps the story move along and provides just enough information to the reader. The author does an excellent job of showing the reader rather then telling and her descriptive prowess delivers some breathtaking scenes that readers will enjoy.
Serenity is an action filled young adult fantasy story with a unique voice and a heartfelt approach to mental health. I look forward to reading the next book in this series as this truly does feel like just the beginning to something that is sure to be an epic fantasy adventure.