"Take heed that no man deceive you," declared Jesus the day before his crucifixion. His words were chilling! They cast a frame around life and eternity. In the final moments of his life and ministry, a penetrating and haunting warning they would never forget... a warning that echoes through the centuries to all his disciples preparing for the end fo the age. CAN SAINTS BE SEDUCED? The apostles did not miss the message. Peter, James and John all warn of the seduction of the saints. The Apostle Paul describes these last days ...
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"Take heed that no man deceive you," declared Jesus the day before his crucifixion. His words were chilling! They cast a frame around life and eternity. In the final moments of his life and ministry, a penetrating and haunting warning they would never forget... a warning that echoes through the centuries to all his disciples preparing for the end fo the age. CAN SAINTS BE SEDUCED? The apostles did not miss the message. Peter, James and John all warn of the seduction of the saints. The Apostle Paul describes these last days as a time of desperate struggle to seduce the minds and hearts of the saints, for ..".seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived," and "some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits." CAN YOU BE DECEIVED? Will you be among the deceived? Can you be seduced? Paul says there is coming "a great falling away" or apostasy. The purpose of this book is to strengthen your faith and to give you the tools to identify and avoid end-time deception and the Seduction of the Saints. WILL YOU BE DECEIVED? Deception is dangerous because it deceives. Here are clear steps for staying pure in a world of deception.
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This is prob the best book to come out in a very long time. It really tells it like it is. Holds nothing back! If you love Jesus and want to serve Him you must read this book to keep you on the streight and narrow path!