When Lilia, a young witch from the underground world of Sednaam, gets invited to a magical tournament in the frosty kingdom of Skkyldon, excitement surges. Supported by her friend Jack, she competes against powerful witches and wizards, diving deep into a world filled with enchantment and danger. However, the competition quickly becomes the least of her worries when a crucial magical artefact vanishes, and Lilia is blamed for a crime she didn't commit. Caught in a tangle of royal schemes and sinister magic, she meets a ...
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When Lilia, a young witch from the underground world of Sednaam, gets invited to a magical tournament in the frosty kingdom of Skkyldon, excitement surges. Supported by her friend Jack, she competes against powerful witches and wizards, diving deep into a world filled with enchantment and danger. However, the competition quickly becomes the least of her worries when a crucial magical artefact vanishes, and Lilia is blamed for a crime she didn't commit. Caught in a tangle of royal schemes and sinister magic, she meets a girl who mirrors her own image, setting off a chain of events that could shatter time itself. As Skkyldon edges towards chaos, Lilia finds herself racing through a maze of danger and deceit to solve the mystery of her lookalike and bring peace back to the kingdom. With the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance, her journey will test the limits of her bravery and determination.
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