Exciting Adventure Deep within Sebastian's vivid imagination, international spy Foxfire is tasked with her most difficult mission yet-find and capture the Devil himself. At the same time, Sebastian and his middle school friends discover building supplies within an abandoned neighborhood shed and construct their own secret tree fort while Sebastian finds common ground with his stepdad after his mom leaves following a car accident. However distant reality and his imagination may be, Foxfire's secret adventures sooner or later ...
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Exciting Adventure Deep within Sebastian's vivid imagination, international spy Foxfire is tasked with her most difficult mission yet-find and capture the Devil himself. At the same time, Sebastian and his middle school friends discover building supplies within an abandoned neighborhood shed and construct their own secret tree fort while Sebastian finds common ground with his stepdad after his mom leaves following a car accident. However distant reality and his imagination may be, Foxfire's secret adventures sooner or later intertwine with Sebastian's struggles. The Series Book 1 in the Secret Adventure of Foxfire, Busting Walls is a cleverly-written and surprisingly deep story that reaches into the mind and heart of a pre-teen and early teen. Using his imagination, hero Sebastian is warm and relatable boy who's able to overcome is inner demons and discover more of himself through his drawings. This is a must read for middle school and adults alike.The series continues in Book 2, The Great Plunge, when Sebastian faces even more challenges competing in his middle school's swim team. Look for this book in 2021.
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