This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 Excerpt: ...led, went this whole length4.--Macaulay. 'yvfivaaiov. 2 To fS6fieva, i.e., the things from time to time sung; similarlv use avew, avayiyvdaKai, iarpiKb. vlveiv. "The seric herb." Id. 171. LXI. William ihe Silent's Dog. The sentinels were cut down, the whole army surprised, and for a moment powerless, while, for two ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 Excerpt: ...led, went this whole length4.--Macaulay. 'yvfivaaiov. 2 To fS6fieva, i.e., the things from time to time sung; similarlv use avew, avayiyvdaKai, iarpiKb. vlveiv. "The seric herb." Id. 171. LXI. William ihe Silent's Dog. The sentinels were cut down, the whole army surprised, and for a moment powerless, while, for two hours long, from one o'clock in the morning until three, the Spaniards butchered their foes, hardly aroused from their sleep, ignorant by how small a force they had been thus suddenly surprised, and unable in the confusion to distinguish between friend and foe1. The boldest, led by Julian in person, made at once for the prince's tent. His guards and himself were in profound sleep, but a small spaniel," who always passed the night3 upon his bed, was a more faithful sentinel. The creature sprang forward, barking furiously at the sound of hostile footsteps, and scratching his master's face with his paws. There was but just time for the prince to mount a horse which was ready saddled, and to effect his escape through the darkness, before his enemies sprang into the tent4. J. L. Motley. 1 Cf. Thuc. vii. 44, "oiiSe irvBeadai fidSiov liv ou5' ap erepaiv orif r(i6irif %Kaara (vvriv4x&J-..". "t)v Se yvwaiv Tov oiKelov &irirre?i7fla(." S3" "j8l 7ap To irp6aBev, rrjs rpoirijs 7eyevriti4vriS, irerdpaKro irdvra Kal xXeir- viT) Tiis 80ijy Sia.yvaivai." 2 Spaniel = Spanish dog; Fr. Espagneul; qy. nivipiav 7Eo"irepiov? 3 WKrepevw. 4 Id. 82. LXII. Tht Greai Fire. So near the fire as we could for smoke; and all over the Thames, with one's faces in1 the wind, you were almost2 burned with a shower of fire-drops. This is very true; so as houses were burned by these drops and flakes of fire, three or ...
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