Fantastic fictional book on Apollo 18 moon landing
This book caught my interest almost immediately, which I loved. Nate received a call from his brother, Peter, late at night asking to be picked up from the airport. He is positive he is being followed. Nate picks him up, asking why his normally calm and levelheaded brother would be so paranoid. Peter, who is a writer, tells him he is finally writing the book he has always wanted to write...the one about the Apollo 18 space mission. Their father was the commander of the mission and died during re-entry when the modules heat shield failed and the men were basically cooked to death. In doing his research, especially with the help of a Freedom of Information Act inquiry, he obtained documents and photos never seen by the public. In examining one photo (a particularly gruesome one of the inside of the module when it was opened to get the astronauts out) he realizes that the module number is wrong. The one in the photo is the one that was supposed to be used in the cancelled Apollo 19 mission, not the one sent up to the moon with his dad. Of course now he is questioning what is really going on and if the body they buried was in fact his father. His investigating triggered an entire secret government agency to try to contain him and his information. From the moment Nate and Peter got home to find what they THOUGHT was Nate's dog decapitated and hanging from a hook as a warning, it was constant action and intrigue.
I honestly loved reading this book because I love a book that can not only catch your interest, but keep it all the way to the last page. This book managed to do that in spades. The characters were all fantastic and easy to like, even the bad guys, lol. It is a very well written book, and the ending was FANTASTIC. I loved learning the "true" fate of the men of the Apollo 18 mission in Mr. Steere's story. It would make a great movie! Five stars and I'd definitely read more from this talented author.