A Book of Heresies...
Syd Field who is heralded as a 'Messiah' of screenplay writing and has manifold votaries testifying to the popularity of his cult has written with ?Screenplay? what can only be described a book full of heresies.
Not only is his book written in a style that is replete with tautologous phrases annoyingly dispersed every couple of pages, it lacks intellectual substance and rigour and is written with only simpletons in mind. His examples are few and are purpose picked to support the tenuous thesis of his own 'paradigm' and anyone with any knowledge of films and a broad literacy of cinema can see that the same old Aristotelian dogmatism is adhered to in spite of theories and practice to the contrary. Syd Field is a proponent of what I would term Hollywood 'Catholicism' where dogma is blindly adhered to and preached from the pulpit despite evidence to the contrary.
Syd Fields ?Screenplay? is nothing more than a Hollywoodized catechism that demands refutation and yet, even after thirty years, is still blindly and detrimentally pursued.