Avoid hidden 401k fees taking 63% of your money. Accumulate $1,000,000 in 35 years. Use a tax-FREE account-NEVER pay income tax. Buy low-cost mutual funds averaging 10-12%. Over time, "that little 2 percent fee will erode 63 percent of what you would have had," according to John Bogle. Accumulating wealth requires that you avoid high plan and advisor fees, commissions, loads and taxes-the Wealth Killers. If you invest in a 401k, why not earn more? We avoid fees by buying ONLY the financial services we need at a discount. We ...
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Avoid hidden 401k fees taking 63% of your money. Accumulate $1,000,000 in 35 years. Use a tax-FREE account-NEVER pay income tax. Buy low-cost mutual funds averaging 10-12%. Over time, "that little 2 percent fee will erode 63 percent of what you would have had," according to John Bogle. Accumulating wealth requires that you avoid high plan and advisor fees, commissions, loads and taxes-the Wealth Killers. If you invest in a 401k, why not earn more? We avoid fees by buying ONLY the financial services we need at a discount. We avoid taxes by using an IRS-approved tax-FREE account. We reinvest ALL our earnings. We accumulate $1 million by leveraging the Miracle of Compounding over time. Tax-FREE low-cost growth can provide more to spend for the rest of our lives. We know that income taxes will increase to pay off two wars, two tax cuts and two bank bailouts. The wealthy stay wealthy by paying lower tax rates than we do. Warren Buffett pays only 17% total tax, Mitt Romney only 14%, and John Kerry only 13%. Most of us pay 32.9%. The wealthy stay wealthy by paying lower fees, charges and commissions. Their fee schedule is 0.01-0.05% not 1.5-3%. They buy only what they need so their costs-commissions, fees, etc. are less. They don't use middlepeople because they know product providers only use their firms' high-cost products. We need to follow Benjamin Graham's advice and buy financial products like we buy "groceries, ... not perfume." We can do that when we have less-biased information to find the best alternatives for us. Most 401k plans hide their high fees from us. I help you decide which products are best for you; not the sellers. Your edge is the miracle of compounding inside a Tax-FREE not just -Deferred plan.
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