Director Masaaki Yuasa's animated romantic drama features characters voiced by Ryota Katayose and Rina Kawaei. It's about a young female surfer whose boyfriend drowned while trying to rescue someone during a storm, but she discovers that he appears in a nearby body of water whenever she sings their favorite song. She struggles with the need to come to terms with her loss and part ways with him forever. Rovi
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Director Masaaki Yuasa's animated romantic drama features characters voiced by Ryota Katayose and Rina Kawaei. It's about a young female surfer whose boyfriend drowned while trying to rescue someone during a storm, but she discovers that he appears in a nearby body of water whenever she sings their favorite song. She struggles with the need to come to terms with her loss and part ways with him forever. Rovi
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Rina Kawaei, Ryôta Katayose. New. 2020 Run time: 94. Buy with confidence-Satisfaction Guaranteed! Delivery Confirmation included for all orders in the US.
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Seller's Description:
Rina Kawaei, Ryôta Katayose. New. 2020 Run time: 188. Buy with confidence-Satisfaction Guaranteed! Delivery Confirmation included for all orders in the US.