REVOLT: The Secession of Mill Valley, a thought-provoking political satire, is the story of Sean Cogan, a difficult, impatient, political malcontent, who is convinced that America has become irreversibly mired in slime. He believes we are no longer a country "by and for the people" - a concept as "dead as the Founding Fathers"-- that we have become a Nation held in a vice grip by powerful billionaires and corrupt multi-national corporations. He thinks most people are too ambivalent and too distracted to do anything about it ...
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REVOLT: The Secession of Mill Valley, a thought-provoking political satire, is the story of Sean Cogan, a difficult, impatient, political malcontent, who is convinced that America has become irreversibly mired in slime. He believes we are no longer a country "by and for the people" - a concept as "dead as the Founding Fathers"-- that we have become a Nation held in a vice grip by powerful billionaires and corrupt multi-national corporations. He thinks most people are too ambivalent and too distracted to do anything about it. He believes reform movements are a joke, that there is no hope in working within the system, and that if something dramatic doesn't happen the very concept of self-government will become obsolete. Unwilling to simply accept this, he decides to shake things up. He plunks down two-hundred and fifty dollars and with a group of close friends; he launches a non-violent campaign for the Town of Mill Valley, California, to secede from the Union. When the word gets out, all hell breaks loose. The FBI, a private outfit called CenTel, the often tipsy mayor of Mill Valley, a corrupt Senator by the name of Sawton, a Fox Broadcasting talk show host, CNN and an aggressive AP reporter all join in to produce a hilarious "truth tromps fiction" political thriller.
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