This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1852 Excerpt: ...Distributing Reservoirs and the distributing pipes, I &c., as in the first plan.............................. j The Aqueduct.................'. 805,327 50 For contingencies and superintendence, ten per cent....... 253,248 45 Making a total of.......................... $2,785,732 95 Adding a capital to represent the ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1852 Excerpt: ...Distributing Reservoirs and the distributing pipes, I &c., as in the first plan.............................. j The Aqueduct.................'. 805,327 50 For contingencies and superintendence, ten per cent....... 253,248 45 Making a total of.......................... $2,785,732 95 Adding a capital to represent the expense of running the engines, &c., as in the first plan, would make $3,406,649 62 The cost of extending this plan, to furnish an average daily supply of twenty millions of gallons, is as follows: --The Reservoirs, &c., on the West and East Branches of Springfield Creek, and on the West Branch of Hook Creek, as in the extension of the first plan..................... 107,240 00 On the East Branch of Hook Creek...................... 36,600 00 On Parsonage Creek and Pine Creek..................... 209,500 00 The Aqueduct from Parsonage to Jamaica Creeks, including the land damages.................................... 553,279 00 Additional engines and pumps........................... 160,000 00 Additional rising mains and fixtures...................... 300,000 '00 Extending the distribution pipes, &c..................... 1,100,000 00 For contingencies and superintendence, ten per cent....... 246,661 90 Making a total of $2,713,280 90 Adding a capital to represent the expense of running the additional engines, &c., $1,771,500, would make $4,484,780 90 Making a total cost of $5,499,013 85 HI. The estimate for the third plan, to furnish an average daily supply of five millions of gallons, is as follows: --The Jamaica Reservoir, the pump-well, engine-house, &c., the engine, pumps, &c.; the rising mains, the distribut-1,727,157 00 ing reservoir, pipes, &c., as in the second plan ) For contingencies and superintendence, ten pe...
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