English summary: Among the formations of the Christian religion, Protestantism has always had a tendency to reflect on the way it perceives itself in a special manner. This is what has made theology, the rational explanation of faith, into a distinguishing feature of the Protestant religion and, in accordance with this, the history of theology into a central area of Protestant church history. On the other hand it is precisely those unpredictable effects which Protestantism has caused in the clearly defined areas of life ...
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English summary: Among the formations of the Christian religion, Protestantism has always had a tendency to reflect on the way it perceives itself in a special manner. This is what has made theology, the rational explanation of faith, into a distinguishing feature of the Protestant religion and, in accordance with this, the history of theology into a central area of Protestant church history. On the other hand it is precisely those unpredictable effects which Protestantism has caused in the clearly defined areas of life which are of real relevance for church history. This volume contains thirteen essays written by Albrecht Beutel on the history of Protestantism. In chronological order, he studies the constellations in church history and the history of theology from the Reformation and the confessional era up to the Age of Enlightenment, including pietism. German description: Unter den Lebensgestalten christlicher Religion neigt der Protestantismus seit jeher in besonderer Weise zur reflektierten Wahrnehmung seiner selbst. Das macht die Theologie, also die wissenschaftlich verfahrende Rechenschaft uber den Glauben, zu einem exponierten Merkmal protestantischer Religion und die Theologiegeschichte demgemass zu einem Kernbereich protestantischer Kirchengeschichte. Andererseits sind gerade auch die kontingenten Reflexe, die der Protestantismus in den Konkretionen des Lebens hervorgerufen hat, von veritabler kirchengeschichtlicher Relevanz. Dieser Band enthalt dreizehn Beitrage Albrecht Beutels zur Geschichte des Protestantismus. In chronologischer Ordnung untersucht er kirchen- und theologiegeschichtliche Konstellationen von der Reformation uber das Konfessionelle Zeitalter bis in das auch den Pietismus einschliessende Zeitalter der Aufklarung. Die Beitrage stellen exemplarische Erkundungen der Entstehungsmatrix des modernen Protestantismus dar und waren als solche auch sachgemass rezipiert.
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