The beloved comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine entertains with its lovable cast of detectives. Led by the stoic Captain Holt, the team solves crimes with humor in the streets of Brooklyn. Detective Jake Peralta, talented yet immature, frequently finds himself in laughable food situations, whether it's recoiling at pickles or wrestling crab legs. His competitive partner Amy has an evolving relationship with drinks, taking on new personalities with each beverage. Food aficionado Charles Boyle loves to whip up gourmet dishes, while ...
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The beloved comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine entertains with its lovable cast of detectives. Led by the stoic Captain Holt, the team solves crimes with humor in the streets of Brooklyn. Detective Jake Peralta, talented yet immature, frequently finds himself in laughable food situations, whether it's recoiling at pickles or wrestling crab legs. His competitive partner Amy has an evolving relationship with drinks, taking on new personalities with each beverage. Food aficionado Charles Boyle loves to whip up gourmet dishes, while Captain Holt enjoys throwing fancy dinner parties for his husband. Relive your favorite moments with this cookbook featuring 30 recipes seen in the show. Each one comes with a funny anecdote sure to make you chuckle. So call your friends and plan the ultimate Brooklyn Nine-Nine viewing party as you cook up these memorable dishes straight from the show! With every bite, you'll be transported back to the 99th precinct with Holt and his squad.
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