First aired in 1983, Reading Rainbow is an award-winning PBS kid's program designed to promote independent reading. Hosted by LeVar Burton, each episode contains an illustrated feature book narrated by a popular entertainer. The magazine-style show also includes book reviews, interviews, and other features starring regular, real-life kids. The show started as a summer TV program to keep kids reading while school was out. In 1990, the series was broadcast year-round. Reading Rainbow is recommended for kids aged four to eight ...
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First aired in 1983, Reading Rainbow is an award-winning PBS kid's program designed to promote independent reading. Hosted by LeVar Burton, each episode contains an illustrated feature book narrated by a popular entertainer. The magazine-style show also includes book reviews, interviews, and other features starring regular, real-life kids. The show started as a summer TV program to keep kids reading while school was out. In 1990, the series was broadcast year-round. Reading Rainbow is recommended for kids aged four to eight. Andrea LeVasseur, Rovi
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