Healing can be a hard journey, it comes in waves and regresses like the ocean's tides, but it never takes all the sand away, the grit you feel between your toes or the threat of the water's edge. We would all like to believe that healing happens one way but it doesn't, and it looks different for everyone. There are no universal "7 steps to know if you're healing" so be patient with yourself, and be gentle with your own soul. People will tell you that you must first learn to love yourself before you can love someone else, ...
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Healing can be a hard journey, it comes in waves and regresses like the ocean's tides, but it never takes all the sand away, the grit you feel between your toes or the threat of the water's edge. We would all like to believe that healing happens one way but it doesn't, and it looks different for everyone. There are no universal "7 steps to know if you're healing" so be patient with yourself, and be gentle with your own soul. People will tell you that you must first learn to love yourself before you can love someone else, but sadly you can love someone without truly understanding that that love need not rape you of the kindness you should show your own soul. Sometimes people talk too much and sometimes love is a drug, it calms the pain and heightens the chemicals in the brain, and influences attachment and unhealthy ideals of intimacy. In Queen Uprising, I share with you a collection of poetry with naked stories that highlight pitfalls and failures or as I like to call them "Regressions". There are songs of solitude and sexy exploits in what I like to call Love and Other Drugs. I champion you, your fight back, your bravado, your power, and your resilience. This is the story of your Uprising! We all cope with pain in our own way and sometimes when we are starved of love morsels of affection can look appealing. Know your worth Queens and continue to heal, xo
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