Post-Apocalyptic Blues takes place fifty years after World War III in the city of New Orleans, or Nola as it is called by the locals. Ruled over by the enigmatic Baron Samedi, New Orleans struggles to rebuild while defending itself from slavers, raiders, internal tribal squabbles, and an angry environment that has been trying to swallow it whole long before the first bombs fell. Designed for use with Modern OGL game systems, Post-Apocalyptic Blues throws players into the heart of New Orleans just as civilization ...
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Post-Apocalyptic Blues takes place fifty years after World War III in the city of New Orleans, or Nola as it is called by the locals. Ruled over by the enigmatic Baron Samedi, New Orleans struggles to rebuild while defending itself from slavers, raiders, internal tribal squabbles, and an angry environment that has been trying to swallow it whole long before the first bombs fell. Designed for use with Modern OGL game systems, Post-Apocalyptic Blues throws players into the heart of New Orleans just as civilization begins the slow, painful process of returning after a nuclear war. Includes original player classes designed for survival in the post-apocalyptic wastes, A magic system re-imagined specifically for the flavor of New Orleans' occult history, rules for cybernetics and implants that take into account the harsh realities of the setting, detailed overview of the parishes of New Orleans, biographies of all of the major NPCs, and much more. The GM Edition of the setting also includes all important NPC stat blocks, two new monster templates, and nine new creatures.These features are not included in the Player's Guide.
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