This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1793 Excerpt: ...Apollodorus; undertook to reconcile Antigonus to him, and to compromife the difpute between them: as alfo to fupply him with provifions and wine. The tyrant, fatisfied with the friendly profeflions of Aminias, and prefuming on the abfence of Antigonus, became lefs ftrict in his difcipline and duty on the walls. Aminias ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1793 Excerpt: ...Apollodorus; undertook to reconcile Antigonus to him, and to compromife the difpute between them: as alfo to fupply him with provifions and wine. The tyrant, fatisfied with the friendly profeflions of Aminias, and prefuming on the abfence of Antigonus, became lefs ftrict in his difcipline and duty on the walls. Aminias in the mean time directed ladders to be be privately conftructed, as high as the walls: and at an advanced poft, not far from them, called Bolus, he concealed two thoufand men; and with them ten./Etolian pirates under the command of Melotas. Thefe at day-break, obferving the walls thinly guarded, crept fecretly to" the parapet between the towers; and, as foon as they had fixed the ladders, gave the fignal. Aminias with the two thoufand men immediately advanced, mounted the ladders, and made themfelves mafters of the place. Antigonus, on notice of his fuccefs, returned to CafFandria, and difpoffeiTed the tyrant. 19. Antigonus, being encamped oppofite to the enemy who were commanded by Eumenes, and with an inferiour force, while frequent embaflies pafled between the two camps, directed that, as foon as the next embafiy arrived, a foldier fhould abruptly introduce himfelf, panting, and covered with duft; and inform him, the allies were at hand. Antigonus, hearing this, jumped up in an affected tranfport of joy, and difmified the ambaflfadors. The next day he extended the front of his army twice its former length, and advanced beyond the trenches. The enemy apprifed by their ambafladors of the arrival of the allies, and obferving the phalanx fo much extended, which they fuppofed had a proportionable depth, did not dare to hazard an engagement, but made a precipitate retreat. 20. Antigonus, in order to make himfelf mafter of Athens on as eafy...
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