Please Tell Me! Galko-chan is a comedy manga series, presented as unforgettable all-color comic strips about the chatty and lovable Galko-chan giving advice to her high school friends. Galko-chan always speaks her mind, which may not be the wisest decision in all cases, but it's never short of entertaining! Follow the exuberant and unbelievably busty high schooler as she traverses the ups and downs of adolescence with spirit and verve, alongside her best friends-the anti-social loner, Otako, and the unpredictably honest ...
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Please Tell Me! Galko-chan is a comedy manga series, presented as unforgettable all-color comic strips about the chatty and lovable Galko-chan giving advice to her high school friends. Galko-chan always speaks her mind, which may not be the wisest decision in all cases, but it's never short of entertaining! Follow the exuberant and unbelievably busty high schooler as she traverses the ups and downs of adolescence with spirit and verve, alongside her best friends-the anti-social loner, Otako, and the unpredictably honest Ojou.
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