High school senior Marla (voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy) plans on traveling the world as soon as she graduates. This ambition, however, is indefinitely put on hold when her parents tragically pass away in a car accident. After a few years of being the sole guardian of her younger brother, Charlie (Gabriel Bateman), Marla becomes hardened and dispirited. One day, Charlie runs off to an obscure toy convention. Marla dutifully follows him to get him back, but instead, the siblings find themselves being transported to a world very ...
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High school senior Marla (voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy) plans on traveling the world as soon as she graduates. This ambition, however, is indefinitely put on hold when her parents tragically pass away in a car accident. After a few years of being the sole guardian of her younger brother, Charlie (Gabriel Bateman), Marla becomes hardened and dispirited. One day, Charlie runs off to an obscure toy convention. Marla dutifully follows him to get him back, but instead, the siblings find themselves being transported to a world very different from their own. Directed by Lino DiSalvo. Rovi
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