SEAS. A GALAXY OF THOUGHT FROM FOUR HUNDRED WRITERS OF WIDE REPUTE. EMBRACING 3EAUTIFUL MAXIMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF LIF, LUCID EXPOSITIONS OF HOLY WRIT. CLASSIFIED AND ILLUSTRATED. COMPILED BY REV. J. B. McCLURE. Let tfs t then. be up and doing With a heart for any fate CHICAGO MCCLURE PUBLISHING, COMPAH V 1909 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1898 b t r RHODES McCi-URE PUBOSHINC COMPANY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. O. All Rights Reserved. INTRODUCTION. Upon the windows of a ...
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SEAS. A GALAXY OF THOUGHT FROM FOUR HUNDRED WRITERS OF WIDE REPUTE. EMBRACING 3EAUTIFUL MAXIMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF LIF, LUCID EXPOSITIONS OF HOLY WRIT. CLASSIFIED AND ILLUSTRATED. COMPILED BY REV. J. B. McCLURE. Let tfs t then. be up and doing With a heart for any fate CHICAGO MCCLURE PUBLISHING, COMPAH V 1909 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1898 b t r RHODES McCi-URE PUBOSHINC COMPANY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. O. All Rights Reserved. INTRODUCTION. Upon the windows of a publishing house in one of our great American cities the passer-by may read the words Books are the only things that live for ever. That is a noble sentiment, though but a partial truth. Books do live for ever that is, some books. And so do folks that is, some folks. I am not now thinking of other worlds, but of this. There is an earthly immortality. George Eliot writes of the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence, In thoughts sublime that pierce the night ttte siiar, And with their mild persistence urge mans search To vaster issues. bought is immortal. It can no more be bvn. J u be burned or hanged. What better fanu more enduring monument, can a man havo than e . has whose thoughts live after him, whose words afeTifted up like banners to call humanity to worthier living There is also a reflected immortality for the man who makes it his ministry on earth to search out the best thoughts of others and give them to the race. And so, this book is a beautiful memorial of him ivi whose mind it was conceived and by v hose labor it was prepared. The Reverend James B. McClure was a Pres byterian minister. Born in Vincennes, Ind., in 1832, educated at Hanover College and McCormick Theological Seminary, a pastor in Fulton, 111., and later in Denver, INTRODUCTION. Col., associate editor of The Interior, joint founder with the late Professor David Swing of The Alliance, a mem ber of the publishing firm of Rhodes McClure, editor of a score of good books, dying at the age of sixty-three, he left behind him the record of an active and beneficent life. As he drew near the sunset of his days he expressed to an intimate friend his deep satisfaction in the thought that, though he must cease to labor, his work should still go on. He said The words I have spoken may be forgotten, the memory of my face may die among men, but the books I have edited and published shall go on do ing good for ever. Mr. McClure did not live to finish this book. The material he had been gathering for years came into my hands with the request that it be prepared for publication with such additions as seemed desirable. In loyalty to the memory of my friend for he was such to me in my student days at Evanston I have followed as closely as possible the plan he had adopted in the choice of sub jects and arrangement of contents. And now the Pearls go out into the world, not one of them being offered as new, but only presented in a new setting. And yet it may be some shall be new to many an eye. Even the old may have new beauty if seen in a new light. CHARLES CARROLL ALBERTSON. DBLAVAN AVENUE PARSONAGE. BUFFALO, N. Y., November, 1897. TOPICAL INDKX. TOPICAL INDEX. ACTIVITY. V a Jltetivity Never Fails. ... 17 ksrftivity Immortal 17 kxadiness in Activity 18 Activity fot-Christ 18 0rateful Activity . 18 Idleness Condemned 19 Diligent and Courageous Activity 19 Condensed Comments 19 AFFABILITY. Affability at Home 21 Spiritual Affability 22 Affability Shown in the Coun tenance 22 Affability in Conversation. ... 23 Small Courtesies 23 . AFFLICTION. Affliction Endears the Prom ises 24 My Sorrows Sign Poem. ... 24 t-earn Afflictions Lesson. ... 25 AMERICA. rovidence in the Discovery of America, . c 25 n Indestructible Union of In destructible States 26 Another Name.... f ......... 26 ANGEjR. Capacity for Anger Deh bxe.. 27 Righteous Anger 27 Anger at Sin a Duty 27 Be Angry and Sin Not.. . ...
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