I want to dedicate this who have sharedin the somewhat similar and various effects ofpost-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.), through abuse in any form, physically, mentally or spiritually, as well, abandonment, like me, and looking for hope to overcome itand wanting to live life fully!And to those to all those who have servedor are serving our country, including theirmother, father, family and friends, especiallythose who may have a loved one who gave theirlife for our freedom. Including the overtwenty-eight veterans I ...
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I want to dedicate this who have sharedin the somewhat similar and various effects ofpost-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.), through abuse in any form, physically, mentally or spiritually, as well, abandonment, like me, and looking for hope to overcome itand wanting to live life fully!And to those to all those who have servedor are serving our country, including theirmother, father, family and friends, especiallythose who may have a loved one who gave theirlife for our freedom. Including the overtwenty-eight veterans I have met, -theirmother, father and siblings-, that havereturned from May, 2012 to this year(01/2013), I realize even more so thechallenges they, their family and friends faceas they return home. The transition home canbe a difficult one and I am so saddened when Ihear that a returned veteran has taken theirlife! The only words I had for one soldier Imet and greeted home lately was "You made ithome; now please choose to make it throughth
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