"After six years of 'angels' coming out of the sky and taking people from her town, 16-year-old Riley Carver has just about had it living with the constant fear. When one decides to terrorize her in her own backyard, it's the final straw. She takes her mother's shotgun and shoots the thing. So it's dead. Or...not? In place of the creature she shot, is a guy. A really hot guy. A really hot alive and breathing guy. Oh, and he's totally naked."--P. [4] of cover.
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"After six years of 'angels' coming out of the sky and taking people from her town, 16-year-old Riley Carver has just about had it living with the constant fear. When one decides to terrorize her in her own backyard, it's the final straw. She takes her mother's shotgun and shoots the thing. So it's dead. Or...not? In place of the creature she shot, is a guy. A really hot guy. A really hot alive and breathing guy. Oh, and he's totally naked."--P. [4] of cover.
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