THE SVETA'S ART PHENOMENON Sveta's art is a state of consciousness as much as it is paper, pencils, and paint. How one can define this phenomenon? I considered myself fit to write about her art as I studied art all my life. First, as an artist, through countless art studios and five years of an art college, then as an art historian, as a philosopher of art, and then as a Jungian psychologist and philosopher. And now, looking at her addictive, colorful pages, I am at total loss. I am in awe. It is deeper than day can ...
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THE SVETA'S ART PHENOMENON Sveta's art is a state of consciousness as much as it is paper, pencils, and paint. How one can define this phenomenon? I considered myself fit to write about her art as I studied art all my life. First, as an artist, through countless art studios and five years of an art college, then as an art historian, as a philosopher of art, and then as a Jungian psychologist and philosopher. And now, looking at her addictive, colorful pages, I am at total loss. I am in awe. It is deeper than day can comprehend, to borrow Nietzsche's expression, and layered with meaning one usually does not expect to find in art. None of these may make immediate sense to us: Sveta paints not to please the viewer, but to express her inferiority, intense with meaning that is beyond common sense. Her images seem to be a wonder for her as much as they are for us. As an artist, she is direct, spontaneous, fresh, genuine, and confidently dances the line between purity and naivete. Her art is both extremely personal and completely transpersonal. That is why, I think, it flows so freely. Doctoral candidate Olena Provencher
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