"On the See-Saw Bridge" is a fast-paced touching tale of a fox frantically on the pursuit of a young hare. Stuck on a see-saw bridge for what feels like an eternity the two once-rivals slowly begin to open up to each other. They disclose their feelings and their history to each other. Upon learning that their lives are quite similar, and that their fate might be the same, they devise a way to get off the bridge together. Illustrations.
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"On the See-Saw Bridge" is a fast-paced touching tale of a fox frantically on the pursuit of a young hare. Stuck on a see-saw bridge for what feels like an eternity the two once-rivals slowly begin to open up to each other. They disclose their feelings and their history to each other. Upon learning that their lives are quite similar, and that their fate might be the same, they devise a way to get off the bridge together. Illustrations.
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