Oliver Twist is an animated version of the Dickens classic. Josh Albee is heard as the voice of the orphaned Oliver, while radio veteran Les Tremayne invokes all the tricks of his trade to portray the underhanded Fagin. This adaptation was a rare theatrical release from the TV-cartoon factory of Filmation; it was picked up for distribution by Warner Bros., who virtually threw away the film when it performed poorly in previews. Oliver Twist gained its widest exposure when it was telecast as an NBC special in 1981. At that ...
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Oliver Twist is an animated version of the Dickens classic. Josh Albee is heard as the voice of the orphaned Oliver, while radio veteran Les Tremayne invokes all the tricks of his trade to portray the underhanded Fagin. This adaptation was a rare theatrical release from the TV-cartoon factory of Filmation; it was picked up for distribution by Warner Bros., who virtually threw away the film when it performed poorly in previews. Oliver Twist gained its widest exposure when it was telecast as an NBC special in 1981. At that time, the film's already heavily telescoped continuity was whittled down to an adumbrated 47 minutes. Hal Erickson, Rovi
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