Literacy, differentiated instruction, student engagement and academic achievement continue to be hot topics for educators, parents, legislators, and government officials. Now I Get It! Differentiate, Engage, and Read for Deeper Meaning is a practical, easy to use resource for classroom teachers, literacy coaches, school administrators and post secondary instructors. Parents will also find the information helpful as they assist their children with homework and support for reading comprehension. 21st century educators ...
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Literacy, differentiated instruction, student engagement and academic achievement continue to be hot topics for educators, parents, legislators, and government officials. Now I Get It! Differentiate, Engage, and Read for Deeper Meaning is a practical, easy to use resource for classroom teachers, literacy coaches, school administrators and post secondary instructors. Parents will also find the information helpful as they assist their children with homework and support for reading comprehension. 21st century educators want ideas that are hands-on and with applicability in all types of classrooms. This book provides both. The strategies included in the text have been carefully considered for ease of use, utility in terms of differentiation, and simplicity of format. Each has been evaluated according to Bloom's Taxonomy and specific suggestions for differentiating and supporting with technology has been included. The book can be read cover to cover, "on the run," or as a resource in response to a specific, expressed need by teaching staff.
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