This second feature length movie from the Naruto anime series finds Naruto, Sakura and Shikamaru on a mission to return a lost pet to its village. Unfortunately, they become embroiled in a fight with a knight named Temujin along the way, eventually leading to both Naruto and the knight taking a nasty spill off a cliff. Awakening aboard a caravan, Naruto and the knight learn more about each other, and soon it becomes apparent that Temujin is from a clan that seeks to harness the magic of a mystical mineral called the Gelel ...
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This second feature length movie from the Naruto anime series finds Naruto, Sakura and Shikamaru on a mission to return a lost pet to its village. Unfortunately, they become embroiled in a fight with a knight named Temujin along the way, eventually leading to both Naruto and the knight taking a nasty spill off a cliff. Awakening aboard a caravan, Naruto and the knight learn more about each other, and soon it becomes apparent that Temujin is from a clan that seeks to harness the magic of a mystical mineral called the Gelel stone - but Naruto and the others soon learn that few can be trusted with such power. Cammila Collar, Rovi
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