Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich is a young law student working at a law firm specialized in representing death-row inmates when she is entrusted with the defense of a convicted and confessed pedophile. Despite being staunchly anti-death penalty, she is overcome with a rage that demands his death. Shocked by her own feelings, she digs deeper and deeper into the case, and as she unveils the truth her familiarity with some of the facts fills her with a restlessness that leads her to unearth the dark family secrets that are ...
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Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich is a young law student working at a law firm specialized in representing death-row inmates when she is entrusted with the defense of a convicted and confessed pedophile. Despite being staunchly anti-death penalty, she is overcome with a rage that demands his death. Shocked by her own feelings, she digs deeper and deeper into the case, and as she unveils the truth her familiarity with some of the facts fills her with a restlessness that leads her to unearth the dark family secrets that are conditioning her perception of the case. Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich es una joven estudiante de derecho que trabaja en un despacho especializado en representar a condenados a muerte cuando oye hablar de uno de sus clientes, Ricky Langley, un ped???filo convicto y confeso. Hasta entonces hab???a estado en contra de la pena de muerte, pero en ese momento sus convicciones empiezan a tambalearse. Asombrada por su reacci???n, se ver??? obligada a afrontar los duros recuerdos de su ni???ez. A medida que investiga sobre el caso Langley, su familiaridad con algunos de los hechos la llena de desasosiego y la lleva a desenterrar los oscuros secretos familiares que est???n condicionando su percepci???n del mismo. A medio camino entre las memorias y el true crime, Nada m???s real que un cuerpo es un libro que quita el aliento y que nos hace comprender que en cualquier investigaci???n criminal -en cualquier reconstrucci???n de un hecho delictivo- es muy dif???cil distinguir lo real de las conjeturas y que, por tanto, impartir justicia -y perdonar- resulta mucho m???s complicado de lo que podamos imaginar.
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