This mystery thriller written and directed by D. Mitry sees 17-year-old Angie Goodwin (Emma Kennedy) disappear after a dramatic car accident in small-town Gardenland, Florida. But as her family, friends, and the police all embark on desperate attempts to find her, she experiences unceasing dreams about becoming a superhero, causing her to begin a shocking transition into this supernatural role. Co-starring BJ Mitchell, Morgan Lindholm, and Juliana Destefano. Clare Perez-Izaguirre Lopez, Rovi
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This mystery thriller written and directed by D. Mitry sees 17-year-old Angie Goodwin (Emma Kennedy) disappear after a dramatic car accident in small-town Gardenland, Florida. But as her family, friends, and the police all embark on desperate attempts to find her, she experiences unceasing dreams about becoming a superhero, causing her to begin a shocking transition into this supernatural role. Co-starring BJ Mitchell, Morgan Lindholm, and Juliana Destefano. Clare Perez-Izaguirre Lopez, Rovi
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