In this animated family adventure film, idealistic Earth Pony Sunny (Vanessa Hudgens) and her upbeat Unicorn friend Izzy (Kimiko Glenn) seek to restore peace and balance in the land of Equestria after it has become segmented by species. Hoping to find the answers to how to restore harmony, the two friends set off on an adventure, meeting all kinds of big and entertaining personalities along the way. Directed by Robert Cullen, José Luis Ucha, and Mark Fattibene. Co-starring Sofia Carson, Liza Koshy, and James Marsden. ...
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In this animated family adventure film, idealistic Earth Pony Sunny (Vanessa Hudgens) and her upbeat Unicorn friend Izzy (Kimiko Glenn) seek to restore peace and balance in the land of Equestria after it has become segmented by species. Hoping to find the answers to how to restore harmony, the two friends set off on an adventure, meeting all kinds of big and entertaining personalities along the way. Directed by Robert Cullen, José Luis Ucha, and Mark Fattibene. Co-starring Sofia Carson, Liza Koshy, and James Marsden. Clare Perez-Izaguirre Lopez, Rovi
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Add this copy of My Little Pony: a New Generation to cart. $8.70, good condition, Sold by Dream Books Co. rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Denver, CO, UNITED STATES.
Add this copy of My Little Pony: a New Generation to cart. $23.76, new condition, Sold by newtownvideo rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from huntingdon valley, PA, UNITED STATES, published 2021 by Mnrk Records LP.