"My Creator" is an engaging interactive short story crafted by Laura Hoyos. It is inspired by Psalm 139, a biblical passage describing the miraculous journey of human conception and birth. The book takes your child on a captivating exploration of unique craftsmanship. It beautifully describes the specialness of each child, emphasizing that they were intentionally created with a purpose. The ultimate aim of the book is to bolster your little one's confidence, fostering a sense of pride in their individuality and inspiring ...
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"My Creator" is an engaging interactive short story crafted by Laura Hoyos. It is inspired by Psalm 139, a biblical passage describing the miraculous journey of human conception and birth. The book takes your child on a captivating exploration of unique craftsmanship. It beautifully describes the specialness of each child, emphasizing that they were intentionally created with a purpose. The ultimate aim of the book is to bolster your little one's confidence, fostering a sense of pride in their individuality and inspiring them to lead a meaningful life. It's a delightful and empowering read for your toddler, nurturing a strong belief in their identity.
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