Legendary anime director Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Steamboy) makes his second foray into the world of live-action with this fantasy film based on a manga by Yuki Urushibara. Mushi-Shi (which was also made into an anime television series) follows a shaman named Ginko (Jo Odagiri) as he wanders feudal Japan healing people afflicted with "mushi," insect-like creatures that burrow their way into human bodies and cause mysterious illnesses. Otomo underscores the film's supernatural elements -- which borrow heavily from traditional ...
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Legendary anime director Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Steamboy) makes his second foray into the world of live-action with this fantasy film based on a manga by Yuki Urushibara. Mushi-Shi (which was also made into an anime television series) follows a shaman named Ginko (Jo Odagiri) as he wanders feudal Japan healing people afflicted with "mushi," insect-like creatures that burrow their way into human bodies and cause mysterious illnesses. Otomo underscores the film's supernatural elements -- which borrow heavily from traditional Asian mythology -- with a slow, contemplative tone and cinematography of the lush Japanese countryside. Sandra Bencic, Rovi
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