Mittelhochdeutsche Minne- Und Aventiureromane: Fiktion, Geschichte Und Literarische Tradition Im Sp?th÷fischen Roman: 'Reinfried Von Braunschweig', 'Wilhelm Von ?sterreich', 'Friedrich Von Schwaben'
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The series "QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE" (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture) is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Mark-Georg Dehrmann and Christiane Witth???ft, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena.
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The series "QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE" (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture) is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Mark-Georg Dehrmann and Christiane Witth???ft, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena.
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