Revealing the myths that founded great civilizations, this series explains to young readers how mankind has historically created a supernatural dimension that infuses and explains every aspect of their lives. This divine aspect is important to understand because it has served to explain man's destiny in the universe throughout time. Revelando los mitos que fundaron las grandes civilizaciones, esta serie explica a los lectores jovenes como los hombres de la antiguedad imaginaron una dimension sobrenatural del mundo que los ...
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Revealing the myths that founded great civilizations, this series explains to young readers how mankind has historically created a supernatural dimension that infuses and explains every aspect of their lives. This divine aspect is important to understand because it has served to explain man's destiny in the universe throughout time. Revelando los mitos que fundaron las grandes civilizaciones, esta serie explica a los lectores jovenes como los hombres de la antiguedad imaginaron una dimension sobrenatural del mundo que los rodeaba y los modelos divinos que dieron sentido a sus vidas, explicandoles su destino.
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