"Mia and the Magical Butterfly" is a heartfelt story that follows the adventures of Mia, a curious and determined young girl with type 1 diabetes who is on a quest to discover her uniqueness. Feeling a deep yearning to uncover what makes her truly special, Mia embarks on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Along the way, she stumbles upon a mystical butterfly. Encouraged by the butterfly's inherent wisdom and guidance, Mia taps into her inner strength, allowing her imagination to soar and her spirit ...
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"Mia and the Magical Butterfly" is a heartfelt story that follows the adventures of Mia, a curious and determined young girl with type 1 diabetes who is on a quest to discover her uniqueness. Feeling a deep yearning to uncover what makes her truly special, Mia embarks on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Along the way, she stumbles upon a mystical butterfly. Encouraged by the butterfly's inherent wisdom and guidance, Mia taps into her inner strength, allowing her imagination to soar and her spirit to shine. Together, Mia and the magical butterfly embark on a transformative exploration and discover what makes Mia's soul beautiful and unique. In this beautifully written story, Mia learns that true beauty lies within and that embracing and believing in oneself is the key to unlocking full potential. Celebrating self-acceptance, courage, and the power of belief, "Mia and the Magical Butterfly" inspires young and old readers to embrace their uniqueness and discover the magic within their hearts.
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Add this copy of Mia and the Magical Butterfly to cart. $19.31, new condition, Sold by Ingram Customer Returns Center rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from NV, USA, published 2024 by Breanne Brooks.