"Tony Jarvis, beloved headmaster of Roxbury Latin School for three decades, recounts the lives of the Boston school's most illustrious alumni, spanning from John Wise in 1669 to Charles Theodore Bauer in 1938. While the book is purposed as a history of the school, it also provides a wide-ranging and detailed history of the United States (particularly as the school produced many prominent doctors, war heroes, entrepreneurs, and politicians who made significant contributions on the national and world stages). Full color ...
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"Tony Jarvis, beloved headmaster of Roxbury Latin School for three decades, recounts the lives of the Boston school's most illustrious alumni, spanning from John Wise in 1669 to Charles Theodore Bauer in 1938. While the book is purposed as a history of the school, it also provides a wide-ranging and detailed history of the United States (particularly as the school produced many prominent doctors, war heroes, entrepreneurs, and politicians who made significant contributions on the national and world stages). Full color illustrations throughout"--
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