Zoltarz Jezusow (The Altar of Jesus): Fifteen Meditations upon the Lord's Sufferings, for chorus (attrib.): Jezusa Judasz przedal (Judas Betrayed Jesus)
Juzus Chrystus Bóg Czlowiek (Jesus, God Made Human), hymn
Pamietajmyz wszyscy wierni (The Faithful Flock Remembers), hymn
Stala Matka zalosciwa (Mournful Mother of God), hymn
Zoltarz Jezusow (The Altar of Jesus): Fifteen Meditations upon the Lord's Sufferings, for chorus (attrib.): Jezusa Judasz przedal (Judas Betrayed Jesus)
Juzus Chrystus Bóg Czlowiek (Jesus, God Made Human), hymn
Pamietajmyz wszyscy wierni (The Faithful Flock Remembers), hymn
Stala Matka zalosciwa (Mournful Mother of God), hymn
Krzyzu Swiety i chwalebny (Holy and Esteemed Cross), hymn
Krzyzu Swiety nade wszystko (Paraphrase of Crux fidelis), hymn
Wszyscy mieszkancy dworu niebeskiego (All Dwellers of the Heavenly Court), hymn
Passio albo kazanie o Mece Panskiej (Passio or the Sermon on Our Lord's Passion), for chorus: Badz pozdrowion, Krzyzy Swiety
Media vita, antiphon for the 2nd and 3rd Lent Sundays (attrib.)