Staying true to L. Frank Baum's original story, playwright Adele Thane has crafted an engaging and unique play based on Baum's sequel to The Wizard of Oz. Baum's amusing storyline introduces several new and intriguing Oz characters, all preserved in Thane's adaptation. In the country of the Gillikins, Witch Mombi's handy boy, Tip, has created a live puppet with a pumpkin head. When Mombi threatens to use her magic against them, they escape her evil ways and travel to the Emerald City to ask the new ruler, the Scarecrow, for ...
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Staying true to L. Frank Baum's original story, playwright Adele Thane has crafted an engaging and unique play based on Baum's sequel to The Wizard of Oz. Baum's amusing storyline introduces several new and intriguing Oz characters, all preserved in Thane's adaptation. In the country of the Gillikins, Witch Mombi's handy boy, Tip, has created a live puppet with a pumpkin head. When Mombi threatens to use her magic against them, they escape her evil ways and travel to the Emerald City to ask the new ruler, the Scarecrow, for help-but when they arrive, they find the Scarecrow himself in flight from General Jinjur's army. Adapted by a recognizable leader in children's theatre, the play was original produced by the highly regarded Boston Children's Theatre. The play is suitable for touring, and is often played by an all female cast.
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