The cyberpunk anime film Mardock Scramble tells the story of Rune Ballot, a girl kidnapped by a nefarious gambler named Shell Septinous, who tried to have her killed in an explosion - but didn't count on her being rescued, and healed with the use of cybernetic technology. Now, Rune is out for revenge, and has the power of biotechnology on her side. Cammila Collar, Rovi
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The cyberpunk anime film Mardock Scramble tells the story of Rune Ballot, a girl kidnapped by a nefarious gambler named Shell Septinous, who tried to have her killed in an explosion - but didn't count on her being rescued, and healed with the use of cybernetic technology. Now, Rune is out for revenge, and has the power of biotechnology on her side. Cammila Collar, Rovi
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